Absence Manager - Features

Click on a feature below to learn more


Powerful multiple approver workflow engine

Absence Manager provides a powerful workflow engine for routing leave requests.

You can specify from one to five approvers per user as required.

The workflow engine if very flexible, approvers can be specified for a group using admin tools and / or further refined at the user level - i.e. if desired you can specify different approvers for each Absence Manager user.

The application also implements a Deputy (fallback) approver mechanism, should an approver not action a request in the specified default approval time frame then the request is automatically re- routed to the approvers deputy approver as specified on the approvers user record. for more information on this feature please click here.


Secure Central Team Calendar(s)

Absence Manager provides a central calendar for employees to see who is out of the office at any given time, this improves time planning and resource allocation within the organization.

The central calendar implements a flexible security mechanism, the administrator specifies whether users see only people absent from their own group / department, from every department or allow users to view calendar entries for the groups of interest to that particular user / manager.

The application provides both a Notes and Web shared calendar interface.


Notes AND Web interfaces

Absence Manager provides intuitive and easy to use Lotus Notes and Web based interfaces.

See below for screen shots:

Web interface home page

web interface


Notes Interface home page

notes interface



Personal calendar integration

Absence Manager fully integrates with users personal Calendars, the integration is achieved via email messages requiring NO change to the design of your organizations mail files.

When a request is approved the requester receives an email, on opening this email the users personal calendar is populated with the approved leave request, in addition the email is automatically moved to an ABS folder in the users mail file (to avoid it being inadvertently deleted).

Should the request subsequently be cancelled the requestor will receive another email, on opening this the personal calendar entry will automatically be removed.


Record ANY Leave Type

Absence Manager comes with several pre configured leave types, such as Vacations, Holidays, Training, Unpaid, Doctors Appointment, Sick Leave etc.

These leave types can be easily added to, removed or customized to meet the exact needs of your business.

You specify whether a quota is attached to the leave type, this enables accurate and flexible recording of holiday / vacation allowances etc.

Absence Manager allows your organization to record ANY leave type you wish, each leave type has a record describing the attributes of the particular leave type, the leave type record is highly configurable.

Below are screen shots showing the configuration options which are available for each leave type:


Record & Display in Days OR Hours

Absence Manager enables you to record and display different leave types in either days or hours.

Each leave type recorded using Absence Manager has a corresponding leave type record, on this record you simply specify which time duration to use to record and display time for that particular Leave Type; for example you may want to allocate training time off in Hours and Vacations in Days - Absence Manager provides an extremely flexible solution supporting your changing business needs over time – see screen shot below



Automated Accrual of leave time if required

Absence Manager allows for the Accrual of leave days / hours each month.

Each leave type recorded by Absence Manager has a corresponding leave type record, on this record you specify whether the leave accrues time each month, days OR hours will be accrued each month for the leave type if this functionality is activated - see screen shot below:

accrue leave

Depending whether the leave type is set to record and display in Days or Hours will determine whether days or hours are accrued each month, see the following page for further information


Ability to book leave by the hour / quarter day  / half day /  full day

Absence Manager provides the ability to book leave by the hour, quarter day, half day or full day in both the Notes client and the web interface.

Below is a screen shot showing the notes interface tool to select Leave request details:

book by hour

Please note that  the ability to book leave by the hour is determined on a user by user basis, please see the screen shot below.


book by hour

If you wish to use this feature you MUST turn it on for each user who should be able to book leave by the hour.

In addition, there is a setting which can be seen on the screen shot above which when set to Yes allows the user to override the default number of hours in a particular working day for which they are requesting leave; this feature is useful when you have employees such as shift workers who need to book time off by the hour and do not always work the same standard working day as other employees.

The standard number of hours in a working day is defined in the master settings document, which is accessed via Administration \ Global Settings, see the screen shot below:

master settings



Specify date on which holiday / vacation year begins

Absence Manager allows you to specify the date on which your Vacation / Holiday begins, this is prompted for when you first run the application set-up wizard, the new holiday year start date can also be changed at any time via the global settings (NOTE - you must be an administrator to change global settings - global settings are accessed by selecting Administration \ Global Settings within the application).

The application also automates the year end processing which is required at the end of a vacation year, all entitlement allowances are automatically updated at year end, this is a substantial time saving feature for all organizations.


Public / Bank holidays

Absence Manager fully caters for Public / Bank holidays, these dates are automatically created for you when running the applications set-up wizard, they can also be amended at any time by the application administrator.

When calculating time off requests the application automatically takes account of public / bank holidays defined for your installation.

In addition Absence Manager can apply different sets of public / bank holidays to different groups of users within the application, this provides a flexible solution allowing users from different countries with different public holidays to use the same Absence Manager database.

1. Creating one set of common bank holiday dates for all Absence Manger users.

From the 'Create' menu, select 'Bank Holidays'. The 'Bank Holiday Dates' form will be displayed. Leave the 'Groups' field as 'Default' and enter the year. An error occurs if a default bank holiday document already exists for the selected year. Use the date picker icon to select the bank holiday dates or enter the dates directly. For your own convenience and for clarity, you may also change the name of any bank holiday. Save and close the document.

2. Creating different sets of bank holiday dates for groups of Absence Manger users.

2.1 Creating the default bank holiday document

2.1.1 If a bank holiday document already exists for the required year, open the bank holiday document, double-click to get into edit mode, then save and close the document. This will create the 'Default' bank holiday document as described below.

2.1.2 If there is no bank holiday document for the required year, from the 'Create' menu, select 'Bank Holidays'. The 'Bank Holiday Dates' form will be displayed with the 'Groups' field set to 'Default'. Enter the year and use the date picker icon to enter the bank holiday dates or enter the dates directly. An error occurs if a default bank holiday document already exists for the selected year. Save and close the document.

Please note that every year must have one bank holiday document with 'Groups' set to 'Default' as this document will specify bank holiday dates for all user groups not covered by a separate bank holiday document.

2.2 Creating bank holiday documents for specific user groups

From the 'Create' menu, select 'Bank Holidays'. The 'Bank Holiday Dates' form will be displayed. Select the user group(s) to which this set of bank holiday dates will apply. Enter the year. An error occurs if a bank holiday document already exists for the selected year for one of the chosen groups. Use the date picker icon to enter the bank holiday dates for the selected year or enter the dates directly. Save and close the document.

Include / Exclude weekends when requesting leave

Absence Manager allows for the following scenarios when determining whether to included / exclude weekends when calculating time off.

1. Always include weekends when calculating time off.

2. Never include weekends when calculating time off

3. Prompt the user to specify whether to include weekends in date calculations.

How Absence Manager handles weekend calculations is determined by the administrator see the master settings screen shot below:


If the master setting dictates that the user is prompted they will see the screen below when requesting leave, see screen shot below:




Extensive reporting to managers

Absence Manager provides essential reporting information to managers enabling them to organize their departments and projects more efficiently.

Managers know when employees are absent from work and what holiday / vacation allowances they have remaining, thus allowing for effective time management.


Graphical reporting view showing what % cover a department has on any given day.

Absence Manager provides a graphical bar graph interface which details the % of staff cover a group / department has on any given day, this is an extremely useful tool for both managers and employees to both ensure a department is not left short staffed and encourage more efficient time off planning.

See the screen shot below:


Dynamic Localization

Absence Manger is available in the following languages: 

English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish and Portuguese – users see the Application (Notes AND Web Interfaces) in their chosen language simply by changing their language preference on their user record.

Localization is achieved using a dynamic mechanism, this enables EVERY text label within the application to be changed if required by simply editing a notes document.

If you do not see the language of interest to you in the list above it is a straightforward process to implement ANY new language for Absence Manager due to the way translations are handled throughout the application.


Automated end of year administration.

Absence Manager allows you to specify the date on which your Vacation / Holiday year begins.

The application also automates the year end processing which is required at the end of a vacation year, all entitlement allowances are automatically updated at year end, this is a substantial time saving feature for all organizations.

At the beginning of a new vacation \ holiday year, an agent runs overnight which performs the following tasks:-

- Deletes the previous year's archive.

- Archives all requests for the year just ended.

- Updates all user documents with the new leave quota(s) for the new vacation year, including any carried over leave which has been allowed.

In addition, one month before the end of your vacation \ holiday year (as specified in the global settings document), an agent runs overnight and issues a memo to all users who still have outstanding annual leave for the current year. The memo warns that any leave over and above the maximum allowable carry over figure, which is not taken by the end of the holiday year will be lost.


Automatic email reminders for overdue approvals

Absence Manager automates the process of reminding approvers of overdue leave requests which are awaiting their attention.

A global setting for your installation dictates the number of days an approver is allowed to respond to a leave request before being sent a reminder.

If a fallback approver is specified the application will automatically re-route the leave request for approval by the deputy approver if the approval window has passed.


Cancel requests - current and retrospective

One of the challenges faced by any holiday management application is the fact that employees often make changes to holiday plans.

Absence Manager allows users to withdraw leave requests before they are approved or cancel requests which have been approved by managers; the leave request remains in the application as a record of the cancelled or withdrawn request.

When requests are cancelled the approvers for the request receive an email informing them of the cancellation.

The ability for users to cancel leave requests can be turned off if required by simply changing a setting in the global settings.


Manage departments / sections using groups

Absence Manager uses groups to manage the users within the application, the application has powerful security options to ensure people only see what the administrator has specified they have access to.

The application has administration tools which make it a very easy process to change the attributes for a whole group such as the approver(s).

The group admin tools also make it a straightforward process to move an individual from one group to another.


Carry over holidays to next year

Absence Manager allows leave types which have a quota attached to them to be carried over to the next holiday year.

As with all features within the application the mechanism is flexible, the administrator specifies how many days / hours can be carried over for a particular leave type and when the carried over leave must be taken by - in addition the carried over cut off date by which leave must be taken by can be modified on a user by user basis if required.


Specify recommended maximum number of consecutive days which can be booked

Administrators can specify the maximum block of vacation \ holiday which can be booked off in one continuous block, if this is exceeded when a request is made the leave request is allowed to continue, however a warning flag is displayed for both the requestor and the subsequent approver(s) - it is then up to the managers discretion as to whether the request should be approved.

Automated fallback / deputy approver process

Absence Manager has built in functionality to handle secondary (Deputy) approvers, this is to allow for the possibility of the primary approver being absent / on holiday etc; to activate this feature:

Ensure the fallback approver setting is activated in the Global settings document - (select Administration \ Global Settings to access Global Settings)

Then set-up the fallback (Deputy) approver for the primary approver via their user record.

The approval window setting in the master settings document determines how long in days before the fallback approver is emailed to request that they approve the request in the absence of the primary approver.